The news that Southwest Voices produces is free for all readers. There is no exclusive paid subscriber content and paywalls don't pop up when you visit our site. Your financial support helps us keep it that way, and ensure that the Southwest community can access high-quality journalism produced with and for each other.
Your financial support directly helps pay reporters so that you and your neighbors can find out what’s happening down the block, better understand the nuances of policy discussion, and encounter a broad range of voices and perspectives from all corners of the community.
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You care about this place and want to help Southwest Voices become the community resource it can be. You can't quite support us at the $9/month level right now, but you know every little bit helps and you want to bring more news to the neighborhood.
If we're being honest, this is the level we'd prefer you'd support as at. Every dollar you contribute will help us broaden our reach and our impact. A few hundred supporters at this level could power more than 150 original, reported stories throughout the year.
Above and beyond! You put your money where your mouth is when it comes to loving where you live, and want to help make sure Southwest Voices not only survives, but thrives. With friends like you, we're bound to go far, together.