Lyndale Community School Principal Meghan O’Connor was slimed in early June, thanks to her read-a-thon students.
During the week of May 23, Lyndale students participated in their school’s read-a-thon. Each classroom set their own goals for obtaining a special feather. For example, a fourth grade student could earn a feather for every 15 minutes they read. The special feathers were hung up around the school by staff and parent volunteers.

Family liaison Kelly Holdgrafer said the read-a-thon gives students “the ability to see their progress and excellence.”
The feathers, a nod to the school’s eagle mascot, also turn into votes for students. Students vote on how they want to prank Principal O’Connor. Slime easily won out over the classic pie in the face and dressing up the principal in a silly outfit.

The posting of feathers and pranking of the principal highlight the value of student voices via this student-led initiative, Holdgrafer said.
As a treat during the read-a-thon, teachers signed up for special time in the reading cove. The reading cove’s theme changes each year. This year it was a winter wonderland.