LynLake Brewery came to its senses and is now an official Green Bay Packers bar. Its former neighbor, The Herkimer, was a long-standing Packers bar until it closed in the summer of 2020.

The idea has become a reality “now that half the staff reigns from the land of cheese,” reads an Instagram post made on September 4.

“All you Vikings fans can rest well knowing that half of us were fighting against this for so long,” the post continues. “We’ll make it through this, together.”

*eye roll*

The first game LynLake Brewery will host is, GASP!, the Packers vs. Vikings game on September 11 at 3:25 p.m. The game will be on all of the televisions. Haters can escape to the rooftop patio to avoid Packers fans.

If you are a regular GameNight attendee, the brewery will have a table reserved in the back and on the rooftop “for sound purposes.” I wouldn’t want to play games with a football game on, either.

This article was written by a person who is from Wisconsin.