On September 28, 1989, Nirvana played The Uptown Bar & Grill. According to Live Nirvana, the self-described “most comprehensive Nirvana website on the internet,” there were about 40 people at the show and it wasn’t the band’s finest performance. Kurt Cobain was suffering from stomach issues, presumably related to his irritable bowel syndrome. Their roadie, Ben Shepherd, reportedly filled in for Kurt Cobain because he was so sick. Shepherd went on to become Soundgarden’s bass player.

Nirvana also played at Uptown Bar & Grill on July 6, 1989 on their Bleach tour. Why they came back to the same venue for a "rescheduled Bleach tour" two months later is unclear.

The Uptown Bar & Cafe, as it was last known, closed in 2009. The bar was demolished and retail space was constructed before the now-shuttered Apple Store moved in.

Hey Gen Xers! Were you at this show? Or any show ever at Uptown Bar & Grill/Cafe? We'd love to hear about it. Drop us a line below in the "add context" box.