It's our birthday week and we are celebrating with a few fun pieces. One, an analysis of our birth chart based on when we sent out our first newsletter in 2021 and two, a collection of our most memorable stories of the last year. Anna, Melissa, Charlie, and myself contributed to our most memorable stories. If you have a story that sticks out to you, please share it (email, text, comment box) and we will add it to our list.
Thank you so so so much for your support over the last year. Every email you send with a critique or a compliment, each dollar you donate, and every story suggestion you send to us is received with gratitude.

Road closures update! The Minnesota Department of Transportation just announced that the 3rd Avenue bridge is going to remain closed until 2023. It was supposed to open up this fall (h/t, Axios). Minnehaha Parkway is closed between Portland Avenue and 51st Street E. until November 11.
If you are familiar with West Lake Street, Market Plaza, and Excelsior Boulevard triangle, you already know the traffic backups that can happen (fun fact: I have talked with traffic engineers about the light timing at those intersections and it baffles most). Not sure what to tell you, but drivers will experience more traffic impacts due to private utility work until the end of October.
And as a reminder, the southern half of the Bryant Avenue construction is finishing up for the year. Once our ground thaws next year, the northern part of the reconstruction will take place. If you haven't checked out the Bryant reconstruction, take a peek. It's a transformation!
Minneapolis Public Schools are closed today for Yom Kippur. Students will also be off October 19-21, with two of those days dedicated to the Education Minnesota conference that educators attend every year, aka MEA break. If you'd like to start planning, Meet Minneapolis has a list of fun things to do during the MEA break.
A gorgeous photo of people canoeing Lake of the Isles, shot on actual Kodak film. (Reddit)
Notes from last week's Public Health & Safety Committee, including a report about how tree planing is going in Minneapolis. Yay trees! (Documenters)
Kalie Coyne of Documenters covered a six-hour Park Board meeting last week, including a long presentation on the Park Board's budget over the last 10 years. Coyne reports it is worth the time to watch the budget presentation which is cued up here. (Documenters/YouTube)
More than a million frontline workers are receiving their Minnesota "hero pay" this week. Check your mailboxes/bank accounts if you qualified and applied! (Minnesota Reformer)
Brass Solidarity is a group of musicians that meet every Monday at George Floyd Square and play together. The musicians seek to "use our arts and our gifts to bring as an offering to this space and to the movement." (WCCO)
Community Safety Commissioner Cedric Alexander talked with Cathy Wurzer about the new police chief nominee, Brian O'Hara, and Alexander's vision for our city. (MPR News)
The Twin Cities Radical Monarchs (think the scouts, but cooler?) are looking for a new troop leader! The Radical Monarchs describe what kind of leader they are looking for. Kindness and being able to slay are among the top requests. They also talk about the badges they earn in the video. It's a must watch this morning.
The Greenline Extension (aka Southwest Light Rail project) Corridor Management committee is meeting today at 10 a.m. to hear project updates. The committee meets every two months.
Sci-fi and fantasy scores ft. John Williams at Granada Theater under the gentle glow of candlelight, at 6:30 and 8:45.
Zombabies, Ghost Kitchen, Tang, and 2 Weeks Past Never play at Mortimer's tonight. (Here's a video of Ghost Kitchen playing Mort's this summer).
Tower Games is having a board game miniature paint night! Wondering where to start in the world of hobby painting? Questions on contrast paints, glues, brushes, or anything miniature related? Join the friendly crew at Tower Games and paint the night away.
Scariest event of the day goes to 300 Clifton, which is taking people on a candlelight tour of the multiple basements on the property. This building has a ton of history. Just watch out for the resident ghost, Gertrude.