Welcome to our first nature corner! We want to know – what are you seeing out there as the season turns? Send us a note on our text line or use the Add Context box at the bottom of this piece and we'll include you in the next one.
Otters have just been spotted in Bassett Creek a few blocks from Utepils. -Janna Hottinger

The very first harbinger of Spring is the tiny Snowdrop flower blooming next to Lake Harriet Peace Garden! -Megan O’Hara

Scylla are starting to bloom. But a better picture will be in 10 days or so when the hillside is solid blue. -Donald Willeke

On my walk around Lake Harriet today. Saw 2 muskrats 2 pairs of wood ducks and most exciting 2 loons. Both calling out with their haunting cry. -Den Nordstrum, daily Lake Harriet walker

The sun’s out! -Ann Gibson

-Ethan Komoroski