In case you missed this story on Friday, make sure to read the story behind Marissa's Bakery on Eat Street. Anna spoke with the owner and his daughter about the history of the bakery and how Isidro Perez is continuing a family tradition of baking. This article is available in English and Spanish.
Fun fact: Anna conducted her interviews switching between English and Spanish and translated the story in both languages.
Yesterday, as I was walking to Gigi's Cafe for my usual Sunday visit, I saw two people painting a new mural on the side of the Bryant Hardware building. I don't want to spill the beans, but little did I know I was meeting the artists responsible for many murals around the city. Here's the full story.
We are turning 1 years old and want to celebrate with you. Charlie loves Williams and will tell you why while throwing peanuts on the floor of the basement bar. We hope to see you there. Thank you for reading Southwest Voices.
Monday Meeting Review
If you are looking for summaries of past civic meetings, check out the Minneapolis Documenters website. They also have a meeting calendar.
Minneapolis City Council and committees
The Housing and Rent Stabilization Workgroup meeting on Tuesday has been cancelled. The notes from the group's first meeting are posted within the cancelled meeting's agenda.
The Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee meets Wednesday at 10 a.m. The agenda has not been posted yet.
The Public Health & Safety Committee meets Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. The agenda has not been posted yet.
The Budget Committee meets Thursday at 10 a.m. The agenda has not been posted yet.
The Public Works & Infrastructure Committee meets Thursday at 1:30 p.m. The agenda has not been posted yet.
Most city meetings are on Comcast Channel 14 or 799, City Council TV, or the City's YouTube channel. Here is how you can participate in the meetings.'
Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education
The school board's Finance Committee meets Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. At 6 p.m., the Committee of the Whole will meet to discuss culturally responsive and engaging curriculum. This themed-based meeting structure was designed by Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox. All Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education meetings are held at the John B. Davis Education Service Center at 1250 W. Broadway Ave. You can watch livestreamed meetings in real time or recordings of the meetings after they conclude.
Met Council
The full Met Council meets on Wednesday at 4 pm. The Transportation, Environment, and Management Committees are meeting earlier in the week. You can access Met Council meetings through the agendas, which include a live YouTube link to the meeting.
Hennepin County
The Hennepin County Board is meeting collectively with the Regional Railroad Authority and Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Hennepin County meetings can be watched live via Microsoft Teams and meetings recordings are also made available. Closed captioning for board meetings can be accessed here.
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
On Wednesday the Park Board is meeting at 5 p.m. The Park Board combines its committee meetings into the same meeting, so the Committee of the Whole (closed session at 4:30 p.m.*), Administration and Finance Committee, Planning Committee, and Legislative & Intergovernmental Committee are also meeting during this time. *The closed session will discuss this court case. Minneapolis Park Board meetings are streamed live and saved to its YouTube page. All Park Board meetings are open to the public and held at the Mary Merrill Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board Headquarters at 2117 West River Road N.
Axios debuted a new game where you draw the borders to local neighborhoods and compare your drawings to others. "Have you ever quibbled with friends over the border of Uptown?" Axois asked readers this morning. Oh Axios, you have no idea. (Axios)
As a vegan-ish person, I am stoked to see Keiko's Kitchen find a home on Lake Street. It's no traditional bodega, it's "an alkaline bodega and herb shop." Read more over at Racket and drool over the vegan soul food on the bodega's Insta. (Racket/Instagram)
Minnesota's suicide prevention line switched to a three-digit call number (988) this summer and has seen an uptick in calls. If you call 988, stay on the phone. Someone will pick up. (WCCO)
After pressure by local transportation advocates, MnDOT will study removing I-94 as one of the alternatives to rebuilding it. The Rethinking I-94 Policy Advisory Committee is meeting online today at 1:30 p.m. (Minnesota Spokesman Recorder)
The League of Women Voters Minneapolis released its 2022 voter guide. Reminder: you can early vote now. (The League of Women Voters)
Stella's closed on Saturday "out of an abundance of caution" after a video on social media claimed to show a mouse make its way around prepared food. (WCCO)
The Lyndale Neighborhood Association is holding its general membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Painter Park community building. On the docket: discussing life after Kmart and welcoming Simpson Housing to the neighborhood.
Kingfield residents can request a hyper-local voting sign for their yards here.
Minneapolis Community Education Adult Classes at Painter Park & Bryant Square Park have been announced. (The listings say 55+ but the classes are open to adults over 18).
- Tomorrow: Flower Pounding 2: Fall Foliage at Bryant Square, 10 a.m. - noon.
- Wednesdays Oct. 12 - Nov. 16: Gentle Yoga class at Painter Park on 2 - 3 p.m
- Wednesdays Oct 26 - Nov 16: Visual Art Journals: Layers of Meaning at Bryant Square 1 - 3 p.m.
- Tuesdays Oct. 11 - Nov. 1: Astrology for Beginners at Painter Park 1 - 3 p.m.
Loring Park hosts open ping pong tonight, 4 - 8 p.m. (We assume it's in the Loring Park building, lest the pond fills up with ping pong balls)
Bryant Lake Bowl is hosting Uproar's comedy showcase tonight at 7 p.m.
It's Bingo night at Fire & Nice Alehouse. Starts at 7 p.m. Winners receive local brewery swag and a chance at $50 cash.
Autotune Karaoke tonight at Mortimer's. Starts at 9 p.m., goes late.