Utilizing public feedback through an online survey, an open house, and gathering feedback at public events like Open Streets, Hennepin County has released three updated Lyndale Avenue street designs.

The three designs include varying combinations of street parking, a dedicated bus lane, and a two-way bike lane. A new online survey is available to give feedback on the three designs. Lyndale Avenue South is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2027.

The “Blue option” includes a two-way bike lane north of 29th Street and preserving parking on both sides of the street–an element some businesses owners on Lyndale have been fighting to keep. Vibrant Lyndale, an organization founded by the owner of Flower Bar, is specifically organizing around preserving parking on Lyndale Avenue. Conversely, Livable Lyndale has been encouraging Hennepin County to prioritize transit, bicycle, and pedestrian elements in the Lyndale reconstruction plans.  

The Blue option for Lyndale Avenue supplied by Hennepin County.

The “Purple option” includes a transit-only lane north of 24th Street and maintains parking on both sides of the street south of 24th Street.

The Purple option for Lyndale Avenue supplied by Hennepin County.

The “Orange option” is the most complex of the designs with a transit-only lane north of 24th Street and a two-way bike lane north of 29th Street. South of 29th Street, the street would include two sides of street parking with no transit or bike lanes. Parking is maintained on both sides of the street up until 24th Street with this option.

The Orange option for Lyndale Avenue supplied by Hennepin County.

The project team is hosting an open house for people to get a closer look at the designs and offer feedback on Oct. 23 at SpringHouse Ministry Center from 4-6 p.m. The project team held an open house in June, covered by Southwest Voices, where they debuted the original concepts for Lyndale Avenue’s reconstruction.

The three full street designs are also available on the project website as downloadable PDFs.