Welcome to our neighbor-produced Stevens Square-Loring Heights Neighborhood Guide. Following our listening tour in the neighborhood, we asked a few neighbors about their favorite things to do in the area. This is a living, breathing, evolving document, so if we missed anything, let us know in the "Add Context" box at the bottom of the piece!
What are your favorite coffee shops/bars/restaurants in Stevens Square-Loring Heights?
Akwaaba Restaurant, 1823 Nicollet Ave S
Boiler Room, 1830 3rd Ave S
Cajun Boiling, 1931 Nicollet Ave S
Flavor Bees, 1831 Nicollet Ave S
What are some local businesses in Stevens Square-Loring Heights people should be sure to check out?
African Market, 1823 Nicollet Ave S
Clausen Service Center, 22 E Franklin Ave
Frattallone's Hardware, 1804 Nicollet Ave S
Old School by Steeple People, 1901 Nicollet Ave S
Third Avenue Foods, 1905 3rd Ave S
What are some great free things to do in Stevens Square-Loring Heights (e.g. places to walk or hang out)?
17th Street Overlook Gardens, E 17th St & 2nd Ave S
The local murals on the side of Third Avenue Market and one across from the 17th Street Overlook
LaSalle Community Garden, 1801 LaSalle Ave
Stevens Square Park, 1801 Stevens Ave
Take a walk to view the Stevens Square Historic District and the six buildings on the National Register of Historic Places
Walk around in the Loring Heights area of Stevens Square - so many cool houses and shade cover from trees!
If someone was going to come to Stevens Square-Loring Heights for a day, what should they do?
Morning coffee at the Boiler Room, walk to Old School and the markets on Nicollet for shopping, see a couple murals and the Overlook Garden, read a book in Stevens Square Park.
Take a walk to view the Stevens Square Historic District. In summer, shop at the Stevens Square Farmers Market.
Grab morning coffee/pastry at Boiler Room, play a board game or read a book while you’re there; take a walk to Old School and do a bit of browsing/shopping, grab your weekly produce from the Stevens Square Farmers Market; stop by either Flavor Bees or $5 Pizza and take your lunch to Stevens Square Park or to the seating area at the back of the LaSalle Community Garden for a picnic; end the day on a friend’s rooftop to see the sunset reflecting off the buildings downtown.
What are your favorite neighborhood events every year?
Cinema and Civics in the Park
Cookie Fest – an annual appearance of Girl Scout cookies, hosted by the Stevens Square Community Organization
Red Hot Art in Stevens Square Park, hosted by the Stevens Square Community Organization every July